Monday 9 July 2012

Big love for the pink hair.

one of my big loves at the moment is pink hair..dont you just love it?

i don't know about you but when i'm walking down the street and i see a full head of candy floss coloured hair i feel myself turning into the green monster..(not the prettiest look i must say).
it doesn't even need to be candy floss coloured there's hot pink, pink hair with a tint of peach,baby pink and obviously candy floss pink..they're all to die for..

Katy perry has gone for HOT PINK
i admire her for taking such a big risk...but the risk suits her SO much!

Ellie Goulding has gone for PINK hair with a PEACHY tint to it
(one of my personal favourites!)

Lets Begin..

Here are the basics ... my name is MissBriff, my favourite drink is an Oreo Smoothie, my favourite season is winter and I love the film 'life as we know it'

lets begin..

Love from MissBriff xox